Monday 7 October 2013

Natural Remedy for Sleeplessness

Natural Remedy for Sleeplessness

A normal person should sleep 6-8 hours at night. Many of us suffer with sleeplessness and able to sleep hardly 2-4 hours or null. There are several reasons why we can't sleep. Firstly due to workload most of us running out of schedule to sleep at-least for 6 hours, secondly Insomnia is a common problem that leads us sleepless. Due to sleeplessness you feel restless in the daytime and get off mood. Prolonged Insomnia also leads to serious health problems.
May not need Tablets any more

But don't worry, a simple home remedy can help you a good sleep and get re-fresh for the next day. 

No need to take medicine. 

Just you need is to follow the steps mentioned below and get recovered from Sleeplessness in just one month or less.

Say No to Spicy
1. Wake up early in the morning at 4:00 AM, drink one full glass of water and start your day. Don't sleep in day time.

2. Don't have spicy food, complete No to Chilli and Temarind sour (imli). Very important to avoid any kind of Red Chili, Green Chilli, Pepper and Long Peeper.

3. Take one plate of salad (200 grams) every day. Salad includes cucumber, tomato, lemon, coriander leaf and salt. (can add some Carrot).

4. At the begning of the remedy atleat for one or two week be a vegetarian.

5. Depending on your allergy to cold, In the evening either take a light bath or wash your hands, legs, neck and face with normal water.

6. Don't late to go to bed, try to have an early dinner by 8-9 PM and take walk for 10-15 mins in open air and try sleeping not later than 10 PM.

7. Use some of your favorite fragrance (a light) on bed. Keep your room completely dark while sleeping.

8. If you have stress and tension then breath longer for at-lest 100 times before you sleep.

9. Follow the above steps for at-leat one month and notice the improvement in result.

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